Davitily Math Academy
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Basic Math / GED
SAT Math
Algebra 2
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Tutorial Files
Points, Lines, and Angles
Parallel Lines
Basic Proofs
Triangle Proofs
Similar Polygons
Perimeter and Area
Surface Area and Volume
Coordinate Geometry
Right Triangles and Trigonometry Functions
Construct a line segment congruent to the given line segment.
Construct a bisector of the given line segment.
Construct an angle congruent to the given angle.
Construct an angle bisector.
Construct a perpendicular at the point given.
Construct a perpendicular from a point not on a line.
Construct a line parallel to a given line from a point.
Construct an equilateral triangle.
Construct a line tangent to a circle.
Construct a square from a single line segment.
Construct a regular pentagon.
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