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Math Resources
Imperial and Metric Unit Converters - The Calculator Site
Online and interactive converters for acceleration, area, energy, fuel consumption, length & distance, liquid volume, mass & weight, power, temperature, time, velocity.
Advanced Algebra II
This module provides an introduction to the Felder Algebra II: Homework and Activities book.
Free math tutorials and problems to help you explore and gain deep understanding of math, calculus, trigonometry and geometry topics.
Useful software for solving problems with step-by-step solutions.
Thousands of Free Videos from the Best Teachers
BusyTeacher.org provides over 16,000 free printable materials to use with ESL students, including Math worksheets, detailed lesson plans and in-depth articles.
Automatic Calculus and Algebra Help
Study Skills Guides for College Students
Computing Technology for Math Excellence at http://www.ct4me.net is devoted to the standards movement and integrating technology into teaching and learning and in K-12 mathematics and calculus. Find software and sites for basic skills, problem solving, homework assistance, games/simulations, virtual manipulatives, project-based learning, standardized testing, technology integration, multimedia development, web design, math initiatives, math methodology, professional development, research, including No Child Left Behind. Accessibility resources are included.
Cut The Knot
Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles
Easy Worksheet
The solution to your math problems
eCalc is a free and easy to use online calculator that includes both a
basic and scientific mode calculator. It includes a ton of advanced
features including unit conversion, constants, equation solving, and
even support for complex numbers.
Offers information on educational topics in all disciplines with an emphasis on Math and Science. News, lessons, research and resources.
Education Corner
Online Degrees, Colleges & K12 Education Guide Over 145,000 Editor Reviewed Education Resources!
Educational Software
RM is the leading provider of educational software in the UK. We help teachers to teach and learners to learn.
Elementary Education Degree.com
Our site connects prospective students directly to a variety of degree programs in elementary education. We provide our visitors with a wealth of useful information, from salary and career data to financial aid and program rankings. Whether you’re a recent high school graduate or a professional seeking a new career, Elementary Education Degree.org offers everything you need to make a smart decision about your future.
Eng,Math and Science for K-5 Students
Offering worksheets, Assessment tests, Educational Games,Unlimited Math practice and Tools and tips
Fractal Science Kit fractal generator
Windows fractal generator for Mandelbrot, Julia, Convergent, Newton, Orbit Traps, Sierpinski Triangle, IFS, Strange Attractors, Rep-N Tiles, Symmetric Icons, Symmetric Attractors, Frieze Group Attractors, Wallpaper Group Attractors, Hyperbolic Attractors, Apollonian Gasket, Circle Inversion, Schottky Group, Kleinian Group, L-System and many more.
Free Worksheets for Kids
K5 Learning is an online reading and math program for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Kids work at their own level and their own pace through a personalized program of over 3,000 online tutorials and activities. Designed principally for after school study and summer study, K5 is also used by homeschoolers, special needs and gifted kids. K5 helps your children build good study habits and excel in school.
Free World U
Our mission is to provide free online education to everyone worldwide. Our primary goal is to develop a pre K-12 program. Our methods of accelerated learning will eventually expand to an online university that will include a wide range of practical subjects such as the computer sciences and trades.
GMAT Course
Get complete assistance for your GMAT exams with the help of our online GMAT practice video course.
Good Calculators
This website provides a variety of online calculators, math, engineering and conversion calculators.
Gordon's Games, Simple Math, Not So Simple Math, and Not Just Math
On this website are the Four free booklets named above, plus more, with an efficient way of teaching and learning primary math or arithmetic, plus help for other subjects. Developed and used successfully by an experienced primary teacher.
If you are a parent who wants to help your child with math then HelpingWithMath.com is a web site for you. The math worksheets , the printable multiplication tables and math charts, and other resources are completely free and easy to use.
Home Schooling High School
Foresttrail provides home schooling high school is defined as the education of children at home rather than any school or institution.
HomeschoolMath.net is a comprehensive math resource site for homeschooling parents and teachers: find free worksheets, math ebooks for elementary grades, extensive link list of games, interactive tutorials & quizzes, curriculum guide, and math teaching help articles/lessons. The resources emphasize understanding of concepts instead of mechanical memorization of rules.
Interactive Mathematics
This is interactive mathematics where you learn math by playing with it!
Interactive Whiteboard Resources, Interactive CDs for Students, Water conservation lessons
Searching for Water Education, Mangrove Lesson and Spiders Software for your School? Buy Our Interactive Software, Interactive CD for Water Conservation, Interactive Whiteboard Lesson, Spiders, and Mangrove Adaptations.
Internet4Classrooms i4c
Helping Teachers Use the Internet Effectively
IXL Math
Practice makes perfect, and IXL makes math practice fun. With unlimited math questions in more than 1,000 topics, students improve their skills and confidence and always have new challenges to meet. Click a grade below to get started!
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
A portal of possibilities for effective infusion of technology into the curriculum!
Kenny Felder's The Math and Physics Help Home Page
This is a collection of papers that I, and my brother Gary Felder, have written to explain various concepts in math and physics.
Kids Math Games Online
Enjoy a wide range of interactive math games and activities that are perfect for kids.
KidsKnowIt Network
Making education fun and free. Free educational Websites For the young, and the young at heart.
K-12 Teaching and Learning - From the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Education
Mastering Fractions in Math
A great source of information on fractions and other math topics.
Math and Business Games for Kids
You’re never too young to build strong math skills. Part of learning math involves practicing facts and working on worksheets. ...
Math Cats
Join the Math Cats in a land of creative, open-ended math explorations!
Math for SAT
Free SAT math online tests
Math Graphing Puzzles and Quizzes
Connect algebra functions or relations to data sets or factors and then to their graphs. Quizzes and worksheets. Trigonometry, calculus, and primary math puzzles too!
Math Help with Bill Hanlon
Math videos that result in increased student achievement in mathematics.
Math Mammoth
Fully reproducible math workbooks and worktexts for grades 1-12. Incredibly affordable!
Math problems for kids
iPracticeath provides some interesting facts about math. iPracticeMath Explains how to add, subtract, and multiply fractions. we provides understandable explanations on a variety of math topics at the nursery and school level.
Math Tutor DVD
Math Tutor DVD offers Math Help via DVD video tutorial content.
Math Websites
Listing of Useful Math Websites.
Math Worksheet Land
Math Worksheets For All Ages
Math Worksheets
Over 2,000 free printable math worksheets for teachers.
Math Worksheets Center
The largest printable K-12 math collection!
Math Worksheets World
12,000 printable K–12 math worksheets, lessons, and resources.
Welcome to Mathebook.net an online Free Learning website full of fun. This website is fully interactive and will allow kids to practice and learn math with ease.
MathLessons.com - When the numbers don't add up
Free Math Lessons Classifieds in your local area
Resources for Calculus, Statistics, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Algebra II
Maths Chase
Maths Chase is a completely free site where you can quickly test your times tables.
Maths Olympiad
The erstwhile NBHM (National Board of higher Mathematics) took the initiative to support the mathematical talent among high school student in the country. Hence the foundation of the Maths Olympiad was laid in the year 1986 by NBHM.
Find free math worksheets and games from basic math to advanced math.
Quality Tutorial Videos with Online Text Books
Metric Conversion Chart
Printable metric conversion chart
Mobile Math Resources
Learning math does not have to be difficult or boring. There are many games and fun ways to learn math that can make it seem less boring and you can learn while having fun.
Learn to solve your algebra problems!
Online Geometry Tutoring
Empower your child with effective, affordable and convenient Unlimited online Tutoring Service
Online Math Calculators
Links for Various Online Math Calculators
Online Tutorials on Functions and Algebra
Free analytical Tutorials using step by step approach with examples and matched exercises are presented here. Detailed solutions to the examples are also included. Several tutorials have been designed so that they can be used with the applets tutorials in this site.
General Mathematics and Teaching Resources
Helping students gain understanding and self-confidence in algebra
Puzzle Publisher
Create crosswords, word searches and more using your own words.
SchoolExpress has a variety of educational materials. We have lots of FREE items and an online store.
Teachers, homeschooling families, parents, children, and grandparents use our site.
Lots of free tools and articles to help parents help their kids have a successful school year.
Schoolhouse Technologies
Resource creation software for the differentiated classroom from Schoolhouse Technologies saves you the time to do what you do best - teach! Quickly and easily create printable worksheets, activities, and tests for a wide range of student levels and abilities. Now you can deliver an effective individualized educational experience. And have more time for teaching.
Science projects for kids
Science projects and science experiments for kid’s grades 1 to 8 that is safe and fun to do. Various e-books range containing full step by step instructions.
Select My Tutor
Select My Tutor Connects students to private and home tutors in nearby counties throughout UK and lets you search for expert tutors for their subject matters.
Sites For Teachers
Sites For Teachers rates educational Websites by popularity with teachers.
There are many of math lessons on the site, some with video, games and math solvers. The site is free to use for educational purposes.
a parent's first choice for math confidence
Super Teacher Worksheets
Free Printable Math Worksheets, Grammar Worksheets, Word Problems, Creative Writing Prompts, and More!
Online Education, Interactive Learning
and homework help to over 180 countries !
Teacher's Choice Software
Creators of excellent high school mathematics study materials and teaching resources.
How to Become a Math Teacher guide
Teachers To Your Home
Teachers To Your Home provides private home tuition in mathematics to students of all age ranges; from kindergarten to seniors.
Many Great Resources and Articles for Teachers.
Unlock your child's math potential. A new world of learning, where students refresh, learn, and master concepts at their own pace, on their own time.
The Algebra Helper
Relief is just around the corner...a couple of clicks away. Introducing The Algebra Helper - an exciting new algebra learning tool. The Algebra Helper is not your typical algebra homework software. It actually solves algebra problems that YOU type in yourself! - any problem from grade school to serious COLLEGE ALGEBRA!
The Classroom
A one stop education reference site to enhance your skills! Click on the subject, topic or area of interest below to begin your search
The Lesson Plans Page
Over 3,000 FREE Lesson Plans!
The Online Math Tests Home Page
Practice and help with Algebra ,Geometry, to Calculus tests.
People Learning Math Together!
Think like a Computer! A Guide to Number Sequence Puzzles
Sequence puzzles are brainteasers that use sequences in any set of numbers to create patterns
The following links contain online games, quizzes, and worksheets that can help students gain a better understanding of money.
Triangle Calculator
Online tool calculates sides, angles of any triangle.
Tutor Hunt
The largest free resource for finding tutors online.
Visual Math Learning
A Free Online Interactive Mathematics Tutorial.
West Texas A&M University Virtual Math Lab
Help in College Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Beginning Algebra, or preparing for the math part of the THEA, ACCUPLACER or general GRE test
White Group Mathematics
Caters to A level H2 maths learning-sections include detailed advice/recommendations, question locker vault with fully worked problems. Higher level, early college material also available.
Affordable online math tutor with lessons in Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry and Trigonometry. DVDs available for Math courses.
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